Writing Workshops & Seminars               
Copyright by Stephen Wilbers, Ph.D.



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Your Guides to Excellent Writing

Online, self-paced instruction

Effective Writing

Persuasive Writing

Memorable Writing

Also see email courses.







monthly writing tips


Email courses
Better Writing in Six Weeks
Better Editing in 10 Weeks


Guides to Excellent Writing
Online, self-paced instruction


If you miss seeing my column in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, you can read previously published columns here or here.

Writing topics & exericses
olumns, advice, and exercises on topics ranging from
annoying phrases to punctuation, salutations, wordiness, and writer’s block


English language skills
Take the grammar, proofreading, punctuation, and word choice challenges.

Plain English

Vocabulary words you should know

Book recommendations


Books by Stephen Wilbers


















































Based on handouts I've developed in offering seminars to more than 10,000 writers in a variety of organizations and businesses, your guides offer an easy, convenient way to improve your writing at your own pace, with links to quick-reference writing checklists, exercises, and columns, all packaged in a single PDF document.


Free for classroom teachers, teaching assistants, and college professors

You're welcome to share Your Guide with your students and to use the linked exercises as you like.

Just click here and tell me where you teach. While you're at it, please see my tribute to teachers.


You may also purchase your guide for your personal use by using PayPal (below) or by mailing a check to Good Writing for Good Results, 4828 Tenth Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55417.


Your Guide to Effective Writing

Topics, Tips, & Exercises



Correct Word Choice: Commonly Misused Words

   25 Rules for Commas, Hyphens, and Numbers  

   Error Checklist        Grammatical Terms  



Part 1: Writing Clearly & Correctly

   Key Concepts & Approaches

   Using Five Elements of Effective Writing

   Assessing Your Writing Skills


Part 2: Eliminating Common Errors

   Respecting Good Usage for Less Abusage: Correct Word Choice

   Avoiding Three Common Errors
Identifying Those Errors in Sentences

   Resolving Puzzling Punctuation Problems

   Punctuating That and Which Clauses

   Putting Hyphens into Unit Modifiers

   Connecting Dangling Modifiers

   Working with Numbers


Part 3: Connecting with your Reader

   Using the Three-Step Message to Write Quickly & Effectively

   Designing an Effective Email Message

   Developing an Effective Email Style


Part 4: Writing over Time

   Using a Proofreading Checklist to Make Sure It’s Right

   Proofreading for Accuracy & Correctness

   Key Concepts & Approaches & Book Recommendations

   Formulating a Writing Plan

   Maintaining the Momentum


   Black = Exercise

   Red = Reference
Blue = Online resource



Key Concepts & Approaches


1. Look; don’t guess (when you’re unsure of a language rule, use your resources).

2. Evaluate the effectiveness of a document (and your overall effectiveness as a writer) according to five elements of effective writing.


3. Know your strengths and weaknesses (and do something about your weaknesses).


4. Keep track of your habitual errors.


5. Use a three-step approach to organize your messages (and your paragraphs).


6. Proofread by making multiple passes through a document, moving from larger to smaller issues.


7. Improve your skills over time by setting reasonable goals and taking the first step right away.


Writing plan




Your Guide to Persuasive Writing
Coming soon


Your Guide to Memorable Writing
Coming soon

Along with Your Guide, I'll send you a complimentary PDF edition of Writing by Wilbers, my second book of collected columns, which you can read on your computer or handheld device.

I'm also offering an autographed edition of my newly revised Keys to Great Writing at the reduced price of $15 (reduced from $18). If you'd like to take advantage of this special offer, please add $20 ($15 for purchase, $1.15 for sales tax, and $3.85 for shipping and handling) to your payment.

   Because of variable shipping costs, my offer of a reduced-price book is available only to U.S. purchasers.

I'll send your guide to you as an email attachment.

Please don't be concerned if your order is not instantaneously confirmed. I'll acknowledge receipt of your payment as soon as I check my email.


Your Guides

   Effective Writing Guide



   Effective Writing Guide
   + Book


   Persuasive Writing Guide


Coming soon

   Persuasive Writing Guide
   + Book




Coming soon

   Memorable Writing Guide


Coming soon

   Memorable Writing Guide
   + Book




Coming soon

If you are interested in forwarding your guide to all of your team members or employees for a flat fee of $500, please send me an email.

Your $500 fee will also entitle you to unlimited in-house distribution of Writing by Wilbers.


Please note that you are purchasing your guide for your personal use only. You are welcome to print a paper copy for that purpose, but you may not reproduce or forward copies of any part of the material to any other individual or organization. Any unauthorized reproduction by any means is a violation of copyright law.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please send me an email.




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