Writing Workshops & Seminars               
Copyright by Stephen Wilbers, Ph.D.



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Better Writing in Six Weeks

Better Editing in 10 Weeks

Also see Your Guides to Better Writing.






monthly writing tips


Email courses
Better Writing in Six Weeks
Better Editing in 10 Weeks


20-point plan for better writing


If you miss seeing my column in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, you can read previously published columns here or here.

Writing topics & exericses
olumns, advice, and exercises on topics ranging from
annoying phrases to punctuation, salutations, wordiness, and writer’s block


English language skills
Take the grammar, proofreading, punctuation, and word choice challenges.

Plain English

Vocabulary words you should know

Book recommendations


Books by Stephen Wilbers


















































If you'd like to improve your writing, but your schedule won’t permit you to devote large blocks of time to the effort, this email course is for you.

Every Tuesday for six weeks you will receive a new lesson, delivered to your email inbox for you to do as your schedule permits.

Each lesson consists of four components: two sets of exercises, a lesson drawn from the best of my previously published columns, and a helpful resource or recommendation for further reading. The exercises, in the form of a brief pre-test and post-test, are fun to do, and the lesson is easy to understand and apply to your everyday writing.

Give it more time if you can, but you can learn to write more effectively by devoting as little as 10 minutes a week.

Topics, Series 1:
               Punctuation errors
               Email protocol
               Correct usage (word choice)
               Writer's block
               Proofreading techniques
               Habits of good writing

Topics, Series 2:
               Dangling and misplaced modifiers
               Inclusive language
               Parallel structure
               Passive voice
               Proofreading errors

Both series also include a seventh review lesson.

All instruction and exercises are intended for you to work on independently. (In other words, your subscription does not include individual feedback or review of your work.) So that you know if you are doing the exercises correctly, I include answers and explanations.

As an incentive for you to try "Better Writing in Six Weeks," I'll send you by email attachment a free PDF edition of Writing by Wilbers, my second book of collected columns, which you can read on your computer or handheld device.

I'm also offering an autographed hardcover edition of my newly revised Keys to Great Writing at the reduced price of $15 (reduced from $18). If you'd like to take advantage of this special offer, please add $20 ($15 for purchase, $1.15 for sales tax, and $3.85 for shipping and handling) to your subscription fee.

Because of variable shipping costs, this offer of
a reduced-price book is available only to U.S. purchasers.

To subscribe to “Better Writing in Six Weeks,” please send $99 (or $119 with Keys to Great Writing) if your company or organization is paying your fee, $49 (or $69 with Keys to Great Writing) if you are paying your fee from your personal resources, or $29 (or $49 with Keys to Great Writing) if you are a currently enrolled high school or college student and are paying your fee from your personal resources. 

You may pay by PayPal (below) or check mailed to Good Writing for Good Results, 4828 Tenth Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55417.

Please don't be concerned if your order is not instantaneously confirmed. I'll acknowledge receipt of your payment as soon as I check my email.

Because I offer the series on a continuous basis, you may register at any time. Your first lesson will arrive via email within one week after receipt of payment.

I hope you enjoy the series!


Better Writing in Six Weeks

   Business rate


   Business rate + Book


   Individual rate


   Individual rate + Book




   Student rate


   Student rate + Book




If you are interested in forwarding your lessons to all of your team members or employees for a flat fee of $500, please send me an email.

Your $500 fee will also entitle you to unlimited in-house distribution of Writing by Wilbers.


Please note that you are purchasing the series for your personal use only. You are welcome to print a paper copy of each lesson for that purpose, but you may not reproduce or forward copies of any part of the material to any other individual or organization. Any unauthorized reproduction by any means is a violation of copyright law.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please send me a message.




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