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Copyright by Stephen Wilbers, Ph.D.


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Stephen Wilbers, Ph.D.


Ph.D. in English, University of Iowa, 1978.

M.A. in English, University of Iowa, 1975.

B.A., Major in English, Minor in French, Vanderbilt University, 1971.

Junior year abroad, Vanderbilt-in-France, Aix-en-Provence, 1969-1970.


1995 Outstanding Faculty Award, Graduate Public Administration Program, Hamline University; May 1995.

1994 Minnesota Book Award, for Writing for Business (collected columns), sponsored by the Minnesota Center for the Book; April 1994.

Fulbright Fellowship, for U.S. Administrators in the United Kingdom, University of Essex, Colchester, England; January-June, 1985.

Canaras Scholar, St. Lawrence Writers’ Conference, Lake Saranac, New York; June, 1976.


Senior Fellow, “Communication in a Technical Environment” (MOT 8133), both written and oral communication skills, Management of Technology (MOT) Program, Technological Leadership Institute, University of Minnesota; 1998-present.

Adjunct Faculty, “Managerial Writing” (MBA 5100), Master of Arts in Business Administration (MBA) Program, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota; winter quarters, 1995-2006.

Associate Professor (part time, core faculty), Hamline University Graduate School; fall 1993-1997.

Adjunct Faculty, “Critical Thinking and Reading for Writers: Techniques of Clarity, Emphasis, and Style” (GLS 806), Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) Program, Hamline University; spring or fall semesters, 1995-1998.

Adjunct Faculty, “Communication Skills for Public Administrators” (GPA 830), Master of Arts in Public Administration (MAPA) Program, Hamline University; fall or spring semesters 1993-1997.

Instructor, with David Taylor (Dean of the General College) and Harriett Haynes (Director of Student Counseling Services), “Good Writing for Good Scholarship: A Workshop for Graduate Students of Color”; University of Minnesota; two or three offerings per year, 1991-2008.

Instructor, course coordinator, and co-originator with Charles Sugnet, “Introduction to Creative Writing,” (EngW 1101), University of Minnesota; 1988-1989.

Associate Member of the Graduate Faculty in the field of American Studies, status conferred by the Graduate College, University of Minnesota; November 1986.

Adjunct Faculty Member, American Studies Program, status conferred by the American Studies Assembly, University of Minnesota; June 1986.
“American Cultural Diversity” (American Studies 3113), instructor and originator, University of Minnesota; 1986-1987.

Instructor and originator, “American Cultural Diversity” (American Studies 3113), University of Minnesota; 1986-1987.

Instructor and originator, “Poets in Person” (English 3940), University of Minnesota; 1986.

Instructor (with William Beyer) and originator, “American Authors in Person” (English 3920), University of Minnesota; 1984.

Instructor, “Introduction to American Civilization” (American Studies 3112), University of Minnesota; 1983.

Adjunct Assistant Professor, “American Lives” (autobiography), Saturday and Evening Class Program (Division of Continuing Education), University of Iowa; 1978-1980.

Teaching Assistant (full responsibility for required courses): “Advanced Freshman Rhetoric” (composition and speech); “Interpretation of Literature” (introductory survey); “The Idea of Comedy in Literature”; “American Lives” (autobiography); University of Iowa; 1974-1977.


Writing Consultant offering presentations, seminars, training programs on all types of writing (from creative to business, technical, and legal) at conferences and on-site for businesses, law firms, state bar associations, and government agencies; June 1990-present.

Board of Directors, The Loft Literary Center, 2003-2009; Board Chair, 2007-2009.

Assistant Director and faculty member, Management Development Seminar for Assistant and Associate Academic Deans, annual seminar sponsored by the National Association of Academic Affairs Administrators (ACAFAD), Washington, D.C.; November 1987-November 1999.

Consultant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Leslie Duly, and the Blue Ribbon Committee on Planning, Bemidji State University; February-September 1988.

Academic Affairs Administrators (ACAFAD), Commission XIV of American College Personnel Association (ACPA), member, Board of Directors; President-Elect, President, Past President; member of conference planning committees; 1986 site conference chair; and Roster/Membership Chair of the Midwest Region; 1982-88.

FOCUS, literary judge and presenter at awards ceremony, annual competition in the visual, performing, and literary arts, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; April 1983.

Iowa City Creative Reading Series, originator, continuous weekly readings of original writing; 1974-1979.

Iowa City-Johnson County Arts Council, secretary; Arts Programs and Projects Committee, Chairman; founding member of the Board of Directors; 1975-1978.


Acting Director, Program in Creative and Professional Writing, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota; March-June 1990.

Associate Director, Program in Creative and Professional Writing, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota; September 1988-March 1990.

Director, Student Academic Support Services, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota; August 1981-September 1988.

Director, Undergraduate Academic Advising Center; established the University’s first campus-wide advising program; recruited, hired, and trained staff; under supervision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, University of Iowa; January 1979-July 1981.


“Effective Writing,” self-syndicated column on techniques and principles of effective business writing, in newspapers and business journals across the country, including the Minneapolis Star Tribune, where it continues to appear bi-weekly; more than 950 columns published, December 13, 1991-present.

Mastering the Craft of Writing: How to Write with Clarity, Emphasis, and Style, writing instruction (techniques of style), Cincinnati: Writer’s Digest Books (2014)

Canoeing the Boundary Waters Wilderness: A Sawbill Log, a continuation of the story of the challenges, dangers, and rewards of wilderness canoeing, Charleston: The History Press (2012)

A Boundary Waters History: Canoeing Across Time, a history of the border lakes region interwoven with the story of father and son canoeing together for nearly 30 years, Charleston: The History Press (2011)

This Northern Nonsense: Ernest Oberholtzer and Mallard Island, poems, Red Wing: Red Dragonfly Press (2009)

“Journaling with Style,” four columns for Personal Journaling magazine: “Writing the Details of the Universe,” April; “Extend. Elaborate. Expand.” June; “Discover the Art of Figurative Language,” August; “Playing with Point of View,” October 2001.

Keys to Great Writing: Mastering the Elements of Composition and Revision, writing instruction (techniques of style), Cincinnati: Writer’s Digest Books (2000)

Writing by Wilbers, collected columns, Minneapolis: self-published by The Good Writing Press, (1995).

Writing for Business, collected columns, Minneapolis: self-published by The Good Writing Press, (1993); winner of a 1994 Minnesota Book Award.

“Good Writing for Good Results: A Brief Guide for Busy Administrators,” The College Board Review (winter 1989-90).

“Lake Wobegon: Mythical Place and the American Imagination,” American Studies (spring 1989).

“In Search of a Whole, Live Moose,” memoir/story, The Northern Review (spring 1988).

“Why America Needs Deaf Culture: Cultural Pluralism and the Liberal Arts Tradition,” Sign Language Studies (spring 1988).

“The Case for Recognizing American Sign Language,” The College Board Review (fall 1987).

“The Case for Academic Acceptance of American Sign Language,” with Sherman Wilcox from the University of Mexico, “Opinion” page, The Chronicle of Higher Education (July 1, 1987).

“Learning To Accept Sign Language as Natural, Complete,” “Commentary” page, The Minneapolis Star & Tribune (April 12, 1987).

“Engaging Students in the Educational Enterprise,” Papers on CLA Students (Fall 1986).

“The Iowa Writer’s Workshop: The Story Behind the History,” published in Seems Like Old Times, a collection of essays celebrating the Workshop’s jubilee anniversary, Iowa City (1986).

“The Minnesota/Essex Student Exchange: Emphasizing the Personal Touch,” NAFSA Newsletter (National Association for Foreign Student Affairs; January 1986).

“Booking through England,” The Minnesota Daily (July 8, 1985).

“Call It Solitude,” short story, The Madison Review (spring 1982).

The Iowa Writers’ Workshop: Origins, Emergence, and Growth, a history of the famous writing program, Iowa City: University of Iowa Press (1980).

“The Humanist on the Job Market,” MMLA Newsletter (Midwest Modern Language Association, November 1979).

“Retention through Academic Accomplishment,” The Orientation Review (October 1978).

“The Iowa City Writers’ Clubs,” The Palimpsest (publication of the Iowa State Historical Society; March-April 1978).

“Inside the Iowa Writers’ Workshop,” The North American Review (summer 1977).

“An Interview with Vance Bourjaily,” Iowa Journal of Literary Studies (spring 1977).

Three one-hour radio programs on Iowa City’s little magazines and small presses (author and narrator), WSUI radio, Iowa City (May 1976).


“Good Writing for Good Results,” writing workshops and presentations to more than 10,000 academic, professional, and technical writers (1990-present).

“How Far Have we Come? The Second Anniversary of the Gallaudet Rebellion,” panel presentation, Horizons discussion series, sponsored by Coffman Memorial Union, University of Minnesota (February 1990).

“The Lion, the Witch, and the Bureaucrat: Ethical Leadership in the University Community,” panel presentation on “Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Ethical Leadership,” a seminar of the International Exchange Scholars Program, University of Minnesota (January 18, 1990).

“The Case for Recognizing American Sign Language in the Curriculum,” co-presenter with Deb Guthmann, the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Conference, Miami, Florida (March 1988).

“Reflections on this University: Disabled Students Speak Out!,” moderator, panel presentation, Disability Access Network, sponsored by the Office for Students with Disabilities, University of Minnesota (February 1988).

“Enhancing the Liberal Arts Experience,” guest speaker, fall training program for Division of Student Life Services, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota (September 1987).

“American Cultural Diversity and the American Dream,” guest lecturer, Pre-Academic Learning Center, part of a three-week orientation program for visiting Fulbright and Humphrey scholars, University of Minnesota (August 1987).

“Lake Wobegon: Mythical Place and the American Imagination,” paper presented at the conference of the Association Francaise d’Etudes Americaines, Aix-en-Provence, France (May 1987).

“Lake Wobegon: Mythical Place and the American Imagination,” paper presented at the conference of the Mid-America American Studies Association (MAASA), St. Paul (May 1987).

“Rendezvous for Booklovers: Integrating New Students into the University Community,” presentation, American College Personnel Association/National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (ACPA/NASPA) Conference, Chicago, Illinois (March 1987).

“Helping Students Write Their Best” and “How To Write Well and Influence Professors,” two workshops conducted for faculty and students, Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, Ohio (April 1986).

“Introducing Foreign Scholars to the U.S.A.: Three Experiments,” workshop participant with Edward Griffin and Roland Delattre, standing in for Harvey Sarles, American Studies Association Tenth Biennial Convention, San Diego, California (November 1985).

“American Studies: The Past and the Present,” guest lecturer, U.S. Studies Joint Seminar, University of Essex, Colchester, England (May 1985).

“Organization of Student Services at U.S. Universities,” guest lecturer, Senior Administrative Staff Seminar, University of Essex (February 1985).

“Planning and Budgeting for Administrative and Support Services,” guest lecturer, Planning in Higher Education (graduate student seminar), University of Minnesota (May 1984).

“The Self in Society,” moderator, with writers Carol Bly, Patricia Hampl, and Endesha Ida Mae Holland, Great Midwestern Bookshow, Minneapolis, Minnesota (May 1984).

“What Is a University?,” welcoming address, University Community Program, University of Minnesota (May 1984).

“Student Services Renewal as a Rubik’s Cube,” panel presentation, American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Conference, Baltimore, Maryland (April 1984).

“The Chicago Renaissance and the American Poet,” moderator, with poets John Frederick Nims and Michael Dennis Browne, Great Midwestern Bookshow, Minneapolis, Minnesota (April 1983).

“Designing and Developing an Academic Advising Center,” co-presenter with Juliet Kaufman, Academic Affairs Administrators (ACAFAD) Conference, Chicago, Illinois (October 1982).

“Designing Student Services for a Changing Student Body: A Case Study of Data-Based Planning,” co-presenter with Barbara Becker, Association of Institutional Research of the Upper Midwest (AIRUM), La Crosse, Wisconsin (September 1982).

“Academic Advising: The Role of Student Affairs in the ’80s,” panel presentation, American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Conference, Boston, Massachusetts (April 1980).

“Iowa’s Undergraduate Academic Advising Center,” interview, KCRG Radio’s “Talk of the Town” program, Cedar Rapids, Iowa (July 1979).

“Iowa’s Undergraduate Academic Advising Center,” interview, TV 9 Morning Show, Cedar Rapids, Iowa (July 1979).




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